Is Fame Really Worth It?


At the end of one of my recent coaching sessions, an artist said to me, “Is fame really even worth it?”

As part of a visualization exercise, we discussed the weekly routine she would follow as a highly successful and sought after artist. During this process, she struggled with the idea of what life would be like if she actually “made it” in the ways she had envisioned.

“Is fame really even worth it?” — might seem like a bizarre question coming from a person who is actively pursuing a performance career, with the goal of being nationally recognized. Many people might think that the entire purpose of pursuing a music career is to achieve fame and fortune!

With fame or any remote level of success comes an INCREDIBLE amount of responsibility. Artists have the responsibility to use their talent to the best of its ability, to progress and work harder than anyone else, and to make an impact with the gifts the world has bestowed upon them.

I know this seems like quite the burden to bear, but don’t crumble under the pressure just yet...

Fame and Success

First and foremost, it is extremely important to visualize your version of success. In order to help with this process, I like to begin by asking my artists to visualize what lifestyle they would like to live.

Here are some of the questions I ask:

“How do you envision spending time with your loved ones? What time do you have set aside for yourself? While living your ideal lifestyle, do you have any hobbies? Where would you live? Who is in your inner circle during this time? In what ways do you envision working for income? What is the legacy that you plan to leave behind?”

It’s important to recognize your own version of success and pursue it early on in your career. Having a focus can be extremely beneficial for an artist’s growth. Understand that your vision of a successful career can change throughout the process — and that is completely OKAY! (18 year old Mark’s version of success looked a heck of a lot different than it does now! )

Acknowledging All Forms of Success

We must always acknowledge small wins and recognize how our success is benefitting the bigger picture for our career.

Remember: Any action or accolade that you accomplish on the way to your ideal lifestyle is a successful endeavor.

I really love the way Judy Rodman describes a successful “voice” in her blog, “Responsibilities of Successful Voices”. Here are some incredible passages extrapolated from her post:

What is a Successful Voice?

It is simply a voice that is listened to. This can be the voice of someone who is ...

  • singing in front of thousands of audience members in an amphitheater,

  • talking on camera to all those watching their TV show or YouTube channel,

  • writing a song that will be heard publicly,

  • speaking in front of a boardroom, congregation or classroom,

  • singing or talking to a friend or a child,

  • posting on social media.

What Can Success Do For You?

Success allows you to share your voice with a larger audience. This is a beacon for your message.

The tagline for my Vocal 360 program is “Discover Your Legacy Voice”. An artist’s legacy is built around a profound message, and the way they make people feel.

A successful career can provide a lot of things for an artist, but the most fulfilling career is one that joins success with impact.

Making a Difference

Artists have a profound opportunity to make a difference by using their platform to boldly project a positively impactful message.

Think of the artists that you know and love— those that have been around a while and whose legacy has withstood the test of time. What is it that you love about them? What is it that you feel connected to? In what ways do you relate to their music?

As a storyteller, your words have the ability to:

  • speak for those who don’t have a voice

  • teach the listeners something about themselves that they are not aware of

  • uplift those who need to see the light

  • support those who feel like they are going through life alone

I encourage those of you who have the opportunity to reach a high level of success to recognize the power that you have, and use it for good.

Are There Any Cons to Success?

As you continue to grow and have a more public career, you may be faced with some unique challenges along the way.

People are going to know more about you, your personal life, your background, and what you stand for. You may even lose friends and colleagues along the way.

I use this analogy as a reminder for my artists:

“Some folks are meant to get off at the 6th floor. Not everyone gets to ride with you to the top.”

That’s my humble take on success. But, I’d like to hear what you think…


There’s just nothing like being a part of a supportive community. We’re here to help! If you are a female artist and would love to participate in one of our weekends, please be sure to apply for our next event! Applications are free :)

Click the link below to apply…




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