Inspiration & Motivation—and Where to Find Them

Empowerment Series


How often do you find yourself scrolling through social media or sitting stagnant on the sofa thinking, “I have tons of things I need to do, but I don’t have the motivation to do any of it”? I’d be lying if I told you this didn’t happen to me on a weekly basis!

Motivation is a funny thing. It’s very common to feel a lack of motivation—in fact, it’s actually normal. Our bodies go through chemical changes (dopamine) that cause the ebb and flow of our emotions.

The irony? As artists, we CONSTANTLY fight the feeling of being motivated. The motivation to practice, to go out and network, perform, or collaborate, can sometimes feel like a burden.

Inspiration can play a major factor in your ability to feel motivated, as well. What inspires you, moves you—both physically and mentally.

Sometimes we hit a road block with our songwriting and we can’t figure out where to go next. This can be discouraging to a highly creative artist, as it makes us feel like our well has run dry. When you come across a creative block (and believe me it happens to all of us!), it’s important to seek out external inspiration to get the creative juices flowing again.

Let’s take a moment to break down the difference between Inspiration and Motivation.

The Merriam-Webster Definition of INSPIRATION:

the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions

The Merriam-Webster Definition of MOTIVATION:

a motivating force, stimulus, or influence (motive — something, such as a need or desire, that causes a person to act)


“The action or power of moving the intellect or emotions”. I LOVE this definition for inspiration. To me, this is exactly what inspiration feels like. You hit a creative wall where you feel stuck, and then a moment of inspiration opens up a part of our brain and awakens your muse. Inspiration takes us to new places in our creativity and allows us to synthesize all that we are with everything that we are becoming.

Sources of Inspiration

It’s important to acknowledge when you feel down or uninspired. And, it’s even more important to recognize sources that provide you with inspiration.

If you feel like you lack inspiration, try some of these things:

Time in Nature — It’s important to take the time to breathe fresh air, go for a walk or a hike, and connect with the world around us. The hustle and bustle of our western culture has pulled us away from our connection to mother nature. You can find a lot of inspiration in nature when you look for it. Admire the colors of the leaves and the flowers, the changing of the seasons, the intuition of birds before a storm. All of this is inspiration for the story that you can tell.

Other Artists — listen to music from genres outside of your current style. It’s crucial for artists to have a worldly perspective of music. Need more musical inspiration? Search for new, eclectic music. Make your Spotify playlist a kaleidoscope of genres.

Learn Something New — When you learn something new, you create different neural pathways in your brain. Often times, you’ll learn something new about yourself and expand your horizons. I work with a very talented singer who recently signed up for a floral arranging class. She had always wanted to develop this creative skill set and decided to dive in head first. She had a marvelous time and felt incredibly fulfilled with the experience! The irony of the story is… she eventually became certified in floral arrangements, which led to an opportunity to design the flowers for a Timberlake wedding here in TN a few weeks ago! (Results may vary, of course!)

Non- musical Activities — I love my creative community, but sometimes we can get stuck in our own world. It’s very important for us to branch out and participate in activities that are beyond the scope of our industry. Try attending a book club, cooking class, yoga, Art crawl, sports game, etc.

Time Around Children or Elderly — We can learn a lot from children and their ability to play with reckless abandonment. They see the world from a different perspective that is not skewed by politics, social media, or taxes. When you spend time with children you begin to realize the simplicity and beauty of life. We can also learn a lot from spending time around our elderly. They carry with them many years of experience and a clarity for what is important and valuable in the world. Artists get wrapped up in the craziness of TikTok views and streams on Spotify, and we forget to slow down and focus on the things that truly matter. I find that by occasionally slowing down, I make room for the inspiration around me.

Some of my sources of Inspiration:

  • Going for a walk down 12 South in Nashville

  • Singing at a church service at Vine Street Christian Church

  • Reading books

  • Going to the 8th & Roast coffee shop

  • Talking to highly intelligent people in my field of work

  • Talking to highly intelligent people outside of my field of work

  • Improvising on the piano

  • Listening to TED talks on Youtube (Here’s a great talk on your creative genius)

  • Walking through an Art Museum


“ a motivating force, stimulus, or influence (motive — something, such as a need or desire, that causes a person to act)”. There are two different types of motivation — internal and external — that make us take action.

Internal motivation is often rooted in your purpose. What is your purpose as an artist? Why do you make music? And, who can benefit from the words that you share?

External motivators can come in the form of environmental stressors. Your budget is running low for the month, so you need to find a few more gigs to play. Or, your friend group started leveling up their career and now you feel it’s time for you to do the same!

Sources of Motivation

Motivation comes and goes. Do not rely on feeling motivated to get started!

Where does Motivation come from!?

Here is my favorite explanation of “Motivation” , written by Dr. Shonna Waters on BetterUp

“Motivation is the force that causes us to act on our desires or fears. It comes from internal or external stimuli and is an outward, driving force that makes people feel compelled to do something. 

We all experience a few different types of motivation. Extrinsic motivation can stem from peer pressure, fear, expectations, our image, and a sense of competitiveness. Intrinsic motivation is our own desire to succeed or accomplish something. Being self-motivated is handy when it comes to meeting our goals. 

We usually won’t act without a sense of drive or urgency. Think back to a task you had to do that you put off longer than you should have. When you finally did the task you put off all day, did it take you a mere five minutes? Was it something simple, with no real incentive?

If it's too simple, you might struggle to feel motivated. It’s important to have a sense of motivation to help us with our decision-making and productivity — even for minor tasks.”

It’s incredibly important that you recognize where your personal motivation comes from. And when you find it, OWN it.

Some of my sources of Motivation:

  • I want to develop a legacy surrounding my name

  • I want to grow my net worth

  • There are a lot of people that believe in me that I don’t want to let down

  • I want to make my 16-year old self proud

  • There’s more to learn, more to see, and more to do

  • I want more stories to be able to tell my grandchildren

Reasons We Lack Motivation or Inspiration

Your surroundings are not supporting your vision for your future. Who are your friends, and how are they supporting your goals in life? What does your environment look like at home? More importantly, take a moment to reflect on the places you frequent to relax or to be creative? How are these places supporting the lifestyle you would like to live?

What can we do?

Take ACTION. My New Years resolution this year has been simply to take ACTION on my goals. Taking action is one of the most challenging aspects of growth because our body will give us a million reasons as to why we might fail! And, that is precisely the reason why we must continue…

How do we deal with fluctuating Inspiration and Motivation?

The glue that keeps it all together and encourages us to continue moving forward is work ethic and consistency. There are numerous days where you will feel uninspired. Motivation will come and go. However, you must make a pact with yourself to sit down and simply TRY. Visit your blank creative canvas on a regular basis and give yourself the permission to create without boundaries. When you feel you are running empty, revisit these sources of inspiration and motivation to help you keep going.

And, lastly… Enjoy the process! This is the crazy, wild, emotional lifestyle we have chosen for ourselves. And, we wouldn’t have it any other way!

Thanks for making it this far! I hope this information helps you stay healthy and singing at the top of your game. :)

Take a moment to give yourself major props for investing in YOURSELF and your career. Adjusting your mindset is the first step!

If you’re a female artist in the music industry and would like to continue to advance your career, be sure to apply for our next New Roots Weekend! Applications are free.

Click the link below to apply…




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